Monday, October 17, 2016

Review: Gotham Season 3 Episode 4, New Day Rising [SPOILERS]

[WORST CRIMES DISCLAIMER: This episode vaguely references possible incestuous abuse.]

High-energy episode, in which everyone has "flair," but especially Barbara, Five, and Selina. Had some unfortunate problems too, like the emerging two-episode story arc pattern and Penguin's refusal to fire Butch.

Edward Nygma in his new suit

1. Alice and Jervis's Story
I once again thought that the show went a little too dark with Alice's story. Wouldn't it have been bad enough that her brother wanted to control her and/or use her to infect people? Why add incestuous feelings and possible rape? Poor, poor Alice.

On the bright side, that element of Alice's story was presented more responsibly than it could have been. I mean, similar stories have presented mind-control rape in a rather more... romantic light. (*cough*Jessica Jones*cough*) I can't see Alice-Jervis ships taking off the way Jessica-Kilgrave ships took off.

2. Two Episode Arcs?
Ok, so it seems Mad Hatter's story arc is over for now. But he was only introduced one episode ago. Which means he had a two-episode arc. Actually, come to think of it, Fish had a two-episode story arc in the first two episodes of this season. So, does that mean Gotham is switching from three-episode arcs to two-episode arcs now?

I don't like the sound of that. Two-episode arcs are awkward (three-parters are more natural: beginning, middle, end, you know?) and less satisfying than longer arcs. But more importantly, if Gotham continues on this trajectory, I project that by the start of Season 3b, Gotham will land smack dab in the heart of episodic territory: one-episode arcs. And the episodic-ness of Season 1 was my one big complaint about it. I don't want to see it go back to that.

1. Penguin
I like that they finally came out and said what I've always felt was Penguin's driving force: love. However, it seems Penguin keeps settling for shallower and shallower love. I mean, the writers did a wonderful job of showing the bond between Peguin and his mother. It hit me hard when Gertrude died. Not so much when Elijah, Penguin's father died, though, because the bond between him and Penguin was given little to no time to grow and solidify in the mind of the audience.

Now, Penguin is experiencing the love of the public for the first time, and I can see how that would be a mood-booster for Penguin. But it's so abundantly obvious to me that the public's love is a shallow love, as shallow as it gets, and it won't last long.

So I hope the writers are intentionally having Penguin settle for shallower and shallower love and it's not just lack of effort on their part to grow the love. Grow the love, man... lol, I hope that doesn't sound creepy. You know what I mean, right?

Also, Penguin is supposed to be "three steps ahead," isn't he? But he keeps making all these rookie mistakes, like pissing off Butch and then keeping him on the payroll. Seems like something similar happened last season, and it turned out very, very badly for Penguin. (See the episode "Mommy's Little Monster" for further info.) When will he learn?

2. Gordon
So, in this episode Gordon does some soul-searching, and it becomes clear that he resented Lee for moving on so quickly. And it's understandable that he would hold some resentment, but it's also hypocritical. Not only did Gordon sleep with Valerie Vale, but he also moved on pretty quickly from Barbara back in Season 1. And he moved on with Lee. So, I'm glad that he seems to be getting over his resentment of Lee, but I'm also hoping this leads him to be more understanding of Barbara.

I mean, he and Barbara have a lot in common now. They both broke off their engagements, walked in on their former fiancee making out with someone else, walked away and let it change them for the worse. Okay, yeah, Barbara changed for the worse a lot MORE, but not until she was traumatized by further violence.

1. "Bruce" and Selina
I've never shipped Bruce and Selina much, and I didn't get how anyone thought they had chemistry. But I see how they could now, since I felt like Five and Selina were pretty adorable together. I have a feeling Bruce is going to become increasingly like his doppelganger in terms of his fighting skills and emotional brokenness and loneliness, and it was those qualities that made the doppelganger a good fit for Selina. So, I see now how Bruce and Selina could be a match.

Hey, maybe even it will turn out that, in this Batman universe, Bruce is Bruce Wayne and Five is Batman!

Haha! Just kidding, I'm sure that would piss off a lot of fans. (But I think it would be a pretty cool twist.)

2. Barbara
Barbara's just a bucket of fun. Also, I'm theorizing right now that Barbara really does get more and more evil the longer she stays awake and that she never sleeps well and that another coma would put her right back to... normal... I guess. It's just a theory.


General: 8/10

Compared-To-All-The-Content-I've-Ever-Loved: 7/10

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