Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Review: Gotham Season 3 Episode 2, Burn the Witch [SPOILERS]

Overall, there wasn't much to this episode. It was plot-centered episode, with little character exploration, and the plot wasn't even terribly exciting. Sorry to say.

1. Gordon/Vale
This episode, Gordon and Vale engaged in the most annoying kind of romance: the kind where they both do nothing but annoy each other, and I guess we're supposed to interpret that as sexual/romantic tension because, all of a sudden, they're sucking face full force. And of course, just as Gordon starts to move on, Lee returns -- which is a cliche that wouldn't annoy me so much if I hadn't just spent the whole episode being annoyed by Gordon and Vale's annoying romance that is also a cliche.

2. No idea where the season is headed
This episode seemed to wrap up several story-lines, but it did nothing to indicate where this season is headed overall.

I mean, all but one of Fish's minions are imprisoned or dead, and Fish herself is gone -- probably for a while, until Strange can fix her. And Penguin is done hunting her. Gordon seems to be moving on from Lee with Valerie Vale. Lee ended her absence. Bruce even met with the secret council and agreed to stop investigating them.

Where do we go from here though?

At this time, there's no conflict or goal large enough to take up a whole season. Neither Poison Ivy nor Bruce's doppelganger NOR Fish seems like big enough a threat to be the season's main villain. What's more, this is isn't even the third episode of the season, so I guess the writers have given up on having even that much structure. (Last season, they had a lot of 3-episode arcs, which weren't ideal, but I was ok with them.)

It's a bit of a mess. TV shows are supposed to have structure. I have no idea where this season is going.

1. Penguin
I could understand why Penguin would hesitate to kill Fish after what she said. She expressed a sort of parental pride in him, and we all know how much Penguin needed his real parents and how they were ripped away from him. Not to mention Fish and Penguin go way back, back before everything went to crap for Penguin. So I can absolutely see why he might be overcome with emotion at her explanation.

HOWEVER, to just let her go and tell her to never come back, as if he actually expected she might never come back?

Of course, she's going to come back. Her whole plan is to take over Gotham, as always. She's just found a different way to do it now, rather than be a crime boss.

Why is Penguin the King of Gotham again? He seems to lack the insight and trickery he had in the first season.

Also, I'm definitely noticing that Penguin lacks the warmth he had in earlier seasons. Whether that was a conscious decision on the part of the actor and writers, I do not know. But it does make sense, unfortunately, after all he's been through. And even more unfortunately, it makes him less likable. 

1. Barbara
Barbara is the star of the episode, for the second episode in a row. I just really enjoy watching her be sassy and creepy and a little bit crazy.


General: 6/10

Compared-To-All-The-Content-I've-Ever-Loved: 4/10

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