Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Review: Gotham Season 3 Episode 3, Look Into My Eyes [SPOILERS]

[WORST CRIMES DISCLAIMER: This episode shows attempted rape.]

Ok, I can see the season taking shape now, and there's definitely hope for this season. I see a promising main villain and distinct story directions for Penguin, Gordon, and Bruce.

Penguin leaning out a window, in a penguin-like way
Source: http://blogs-images.forbes.com/erikkain/files/2016/10/Gotham-S3E3-3-1200x800.jpg?width=960

1. Alice's First Scene
I'm sorry, but I think it's ridiculous that she apologized to the guy who was sexually assaulting her. She didn't even poison him by choice. So, presumably, her apology showed how good and kind she is, but I just don't see it that way. I see it as ridiculous, and I don't know why such a dark scene was necessary just to show Alice's "power."


1. Opening scene
Pretty funny, if you ask me.

2. Barbara
Once again, really fun. Loved her hypnosis scene and the idea of a Barbara/Mad Hatter team up.

3. Mad Hatter
You thought he was going to be a wacky villain with a hypnosis gimmick? Nope. Commits a brutal double murder in his second scene. And he doesn't bat an eyelash. Pretty chilling. Also, for character development, we have the obviously complex relationship with his sister, Alice. Mad Hatter will make a great villain for the next two to eight episodes, depending on whether we've got a 3-episode story arc or a half-season arc ahead of us.

4. Penguin
I think it's safe to say, at this point, that Penguin pulled a "Selina Kyle" at the end of last season. (For untold reasons, he snapped out of his depression and was ready to live again. It was like Selina's sudden turn to the dark side at the end of Season 1, in that it was for untold reasons. That is, the writers may have had reasons, but they didn't show us those reasons, which is unsatisfactory writing, in my opinion.)

HOWEVER, at least, he spent a much more realistic amount of time grieving than most TV characters. And if I have to accept that Penguin is back in the game for untold reasons, at least the writing for Penguin seems to be on the upswing. I have hope.

In this episode, he has a purpose (mayorship) that should last a while and give his character direction. He proves to be "three steps ahead" in the restaurant scene. And I thought it was adorable how he popped out of his car window; You could just picture him as an actual penguin.

5. Gordon
I like how the writers were able to bring Gordon into the Mad Hatter plot, since Alice was an Indian Hill escapee and Gordon is a famous escapee-catcher. I like that Gordon showed concern for Ivy Pepper when Selina told him Ivy was missing. I liked that he was disgusted with The Narrows bar owner for implying that he would kill Alice. It showed that Gordon still cares a little bit.

I also liked the scene on the roof with Gordon about to jump. It showed that Gordon is a lot worse for wear than I would have guessed.

6. Nygma
The scene of his release was hilarious, and I don't know where his character is going this season, but I have hope now that we'll find out and that Gotham is not, in fact, just aimlessly meandering.

7. Bruce's Doppelganger/'5'/'Five'/IDK
He's creepy enough, and I can see how his character gives Bruce new direction. (Bruce wants to investigate why his doppelganger was created, and the answer will no doubt cause Bruce to once again take up the fight against the Council). So, I look forward to seeing more of Five.


General: 7/10

Compared-To-All-The-Content-I've-Ever-Loved: 6/10

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