Monday, January 16, 2017

Review: Gotham Season 3 Episode 9, The Executioner [SPOILERS]

Barnes yay! Bruce, Selina, Ivy yay! Nygmobblepot...hmm

1. Nygmobblepot

I'm seriously questioning my position on Nygmobblepot.

I've been rooting for them, in spite of what Penguin did to Nygma last episode. But the saving grace there was that Penguin indicated that he was going to make it up to Nygma as best as Penguin could.

 In this episode, however -- Penguin himself admitted -- he wasn't compassionate to any point. I know Penguin featured Nygma in Penguin's portrait, but I mean... That would be sweet as a act of mere friendship, but it's weird and egocentric as an act of "compassion."

I mean, come on. Penguin has always had the ability to act genuinely kind and sympathetic toward a single person. That person used to be his mother, and I thought it was Nygma now.

And yes, I know Penguin seriously hurt Nygma by killing Isabella, and I have already said that that act of murder was perfectly in character for Penguin, and it was.

Unfortunately, when Penguin's own feelings are put between a rock and a hard place, he's capable of hurting people he loves. Take, for example, the moment in Season 1 when he lied to his mother even though she told him that, if he lied to her again, he'd break her heart. And he did break her heart. (And in the end, also kinda got her killed.)

But would it have killed Penguin to just, like, make Nygma some soup and throw an extra blanket on him and listen intently to him and let him be sad and let him heal? No. No, it would not have. It wouldn't have been hard at all. So why didn't Penguin just do that?

I mean, ok, on a certain level, I understand Penguin's reaction. I also find it hard to have any real sympathy for Nygma right now. I honestly doubt the depth of Nygma's love for either Isabella or Kristen, given how disrespectful he and Isabella were to Kristen's memory. I honestly think Nygma will get over Isabella fairly quickly. And thus, I honestly don't care much about his suffering.

And Penguin's rationale was that Nygma only knew Isabella for a week. Like me, Penguin felt that Nygma didn't love Isabella very deeply, and Nygma would and SHOULD get over her death quickly.

If, however, Nygma doesn't get over Isabella's death quickly, Penguin has no right to rush him. Just the opposite in fact. The longer Nygma takes to get over Isabella, the deeper his love for her must be, and the worse Penguin should feel.

Finally, I wonder if Nygma is lying about who he thinks killed isabella...he's prolly not.


1. Barnes

Basically, Team Barnes. Team Barnes all the way. Team Barnes forever!

Why not kill the bad guys? I mean, it's not like the law is gonna mean much when Batman comes around anyway. Batman's only line in the sand is the arbitrary one of not killing. Why not kill? Unless they're gonna deputize Batman like I guess they did in the early comics.

I actually kind of wanted Barnes to be our new primary character, instead of Jim. I know that doesn't really work with the format of the show, and it actually works better to add Barnes to the roster of sympathetic villains than to follow him as the hero. So, it's all good.

2. Bruce, Selina, Ivy

Bruce, Selina, and Ivy were a fun and funny posse. Ivy's lines, in particular, had me laughing out loud, and her delivery and facial expressions matched those of her younger self enough that I could believe that was actually her grown up. 


General: 7/10

Compared-To-All-The-Content-I've-Ever-Loved: 6/10

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