Saturday, September 3, 2016

Review: Gotham Season 2 Episode 22, Transference [SPOILERS]

Exciting, action-packed, and beautifully shot as ever, this episode wraps up Season 2 with a big cliffhanger.

"Jim Gordon"


1. Possible Lost Story Threads

Because Season 2 is now over, I feel justified in criticizing a few big-picture things about the show. Mostly, I am nervous that some story threads have been lost. I mean, what happened to Strange's plans for Penguin? What good did it do Strange to find out that Gordon actually did kill Galavan? I fear we may never know.


1. Penguin/Barbara/Butch Team

Okay, I've wanted Penguin and Barbara to be friends ever since they first met in Season 1.

They hit it off so well. Barbara seemed to genuinely appreciate the sympathy from Penguin regarding Jim. And sure, Penguin most likely wanted to use Barbara to get closer to Jim, but still! Penguin and Barbara do have compatible personalities. Just listen to their exchange of high-class, dainty chit chat the first time they met.

My desire for a Penguin/Barbara friendship grew stronger when Barbara remembered Penguin at their next encounter. They had only ever spoken for maybe five minutes, so he must have left an impression.

However, I honestly thought there was no chance of a Penguin/Barbara friendship after she was an accomplice (after the fact, at least) to the kidnapping of Penguin's mother.

(Barbara offered Penguin her drink, saying he needed it more than her, and then left the room just minutes before Galavan revealed that he had kidnapped Gertrude. So, Barbara definitely knew about the kidnapping. Who knows? Maybe Barbara even helped with the kidnapping.)

But after this episode, maybe there is a chance of a Penguin/Barbara friendship.

Penguin actually sought out Barbara's help in decorating his house. They utilized a severed head and everything. Doesn't that sound like the perfect bonding activity for a couple of high-class, dainty psychopaths?

Also, it gave me great satisfaction when Penguin praised Barbara both in front of Butch (who kicked Barbara out of his house, just a couple episodes ago) and on the phone. It gave me satisfaction because Barbara obviously appreciated it.

As for Butch, I think it's a fun dynamic he has with Penguin. Butch is the sidekick who rolls his eyes in disbelief at all the twisted things Penguin does. That dynamic works well, so I can see why the writers would bring it back as quickly and easily as they have.

HOWEVER, this brings me to the problems with this Penguin/Barbara/Butch posse:

Problem 1: No explanation has been given for what motivates Penguin after losing his mother AND his father, the only sources of love in his life. (Love is the only real motivator, a theme that I thought the Gotham writers were building into the story. See my previous Gotham reviews.)

So, basically, I have to assume now that Penguin has snapped back to his old self after killing Galavan and I have to assume that Penguin really does not intend to kill Butch and Tabatha. Now, our only hope is if the writers reveal in Season 3 that Penguin is really not ok. (See my Review of Unleashed for my thoughts on Penguin snapping back to his old self.)

Problem 2: No explanation has been given for why Penguin decided to exact revenge on no one else but Galavan. He did, at one point, vow to kill Tabatha and he did, at one point, send Zsasz to kill Butch. So why has he just now decided that Butch and Tabatha and Barbara are all off the hook?

I mean, maybe Penguin realizes that, usually, exacting revenge just causes more trouble. But doesn't he also realize that his reputation is at stake?

How does he expect anyone to take his threats seriously now? Remember when he tried to save himself from being tortured by Ms. Peabody by telling her that everyone who has ever crossed him has regretted it? Well, if that threat didn't work then, it certainly won't work now. I'm just saying.

Problem 3: No epic battle ever took place for kingship of Gotham's crime world. It seems that Butch has just given the crown back to Penguin. Easy as pie.

Problem 4: Lately, Penguin's role has been reduced to that of a Gotham staple who's just always there and always happens to be helpful to the good guys, because, really, that's what the fans want to see. But I want to see what's going on in his head, and that insight has been denied us for so many episodes and so many major developments now...

3. Firefly and Freeze
I loved that Firefly seems genuinely attached to Selina now, and I loved the epic battle between Freeze and Firefly. I didn't love that after the battle was over, they both seemed to just sit there, like mannequins, with nothing going on in their heads. I also didn't love that we didn't find out what happened to them at the end of the episode. I guess they were arrested? I dunno. Did they fight back? Or did they cooperate like mannequins? Once again, I dunno. Let's hope we find out early in Season 3.


1. Humor
There were a number of laugh out loud moments in this episode. I always appreciate a good laugh.

2. The promise of an exciting Season 3
There's apparently a Bruce clone, and I'm pretty sure I saw Jerome's red hair and heard his laugh. a lot of fans were hoping Strange would reanimate Jerome. It's nice to see that the Gotham writers are giving those fans a little something to hang on to.

3. Nygma
Nygma's always great, and Lucius Fox is always great, too. Fox is a very likable minor character, but he's especially likable in contrast to Nygma. Fox is living proof that being very smart doesn't mean you have to be insane, arrogant, or violent.

4. Music
The musical score in Gotham is always spectacular. It really sets the mood. The opening scene in this episode shows us the layers underneath Arkham, Gordon tied to a chair on one layer, and the bomb on the next layer. I mean, we all know Gordon and the others are going to get through this. They're the main characters. But the music puts you on the edge of your seat anyway.

5. Hugo Strange
"Guilt is useless. Love is our guide." It's interesting that a sociopath like Strange can be so wise. I mean, that whole creepy therapy session/interrogation with Jim Gordon offered a lot of insight into both characters. Gordon is burdened by guilt, and while Strange loves to play God, he likes to play a benevolent god sometimes.

And I agree with Strange's final thoughts on love and guilt. People say the mark of a sociopath is a lack of guilt, as if guilt would guide them to be better people. But when it comes down to it, love guides you to be a good person, not guilt. If you love others, you not only feel sorry for hurting them, but you also try to avoid hurting them in the first place, and you ALSO try to do better than just "not hurt" them. You're kind to people if you practice love.

6. I love Gotham
I've realized that some shows you love because you think those shows are GOING somewhere interesting. Often, however, they go nowhere. And then you look back on those shows and realize they were a complete waste of time because you didn't enjoy each episode for what it really was; you just thought there would come a point where you would love each episode for what it really was.

Not so with Gotham.

I love every episode for what it is. I love it for the amazing performances, the mood, the cinematography, the musical score, and the philosophical insights. Even if this series does go to crap -- which I highly doubt it will -- I will still look back on it as a decent use of my time.

I love Gotham. It's brilliant. And I'm so excited for Season 3 in just a couple weeks!


General: 9/10

Compared-To-All-The-Content-I've-Ever-Loved: 8/10

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