Monday, September 26, 2016

Review: Gotham Season 3 Episode 1, Better to Reign in Hell... [SPOILERS]

I love Gotham and very much want it to succeed, but I have to be honest and say that I was a little disappointed in this episode. 

I recently became aware that Gotham receives a lot of hate. I think such hate is completely unwarranted, since so far, Gotham has been an incredible show. Not just a great comic book show. Just objectively a great show.

Gotham is complete with a solid plot, great character moments, great character development, great performances, great visuals, great musical scores, and interesting philosophical points. Nonetheless, people hate on it a lot more than people hate on some other shows, shows that I think showcase some severely inconsistent characters and plots. 

Character consistency is extremely important to me. (Plot consistency too, but not as much.) And the character inconsistencies in this episode makes me wonder if the Gotham writers have halfway given up...but are halfway still trying...but have halfway given up. 

Glass half full/empty/who knows? 

It is true that Gotham's ratings have been steadily decreasing, in spite of the great writing. So, hey, if I were the Gotham writers, I might halfway give up too. And the saddest thing is that their ratings might go up now. Viewers seem to prefer inconsistent characters and plots. 

Oh, well. We original Gotham lovers will always have the first two seasons. And this awesome picture.

Gordon holding a snow globe of the rest of the characters

As you might guess, most of today's items will be located in the MEDIUMS section, since it seems the Gotham writers are halfway trying, halfway not.

1. Tabatha and Captain Barnes

When Tabatha and Barnes both fell into comas last season, I was nervous that it was just the cliche method of getting them out of the way until the writers could think of something interesting to do with them and the comas would have no lasting consequences. 

Well, I was right. Tabatha and Barnes are right back at it now at the very start of the new season, no worse for wear, except mayyybeeee Barnes who gave a small cough after scolding Gordon and Bullock.

1. Penguin


Penguin explains why he holds no grudge against Nygma for the way Nygma turned Penguin away when Penguin was brainwashed.

Penguin admits to struggling to make it through every day. To Nygma, Penguin says that he doesn't know how he would have made it through the last few months without Nygma, since Fish is out there plotting and Penguin is surrounded by idiots and lunatics. But none of that is new for Penguin and he got through it with ease in the first season, so that means he really isn't doing as well now without his parents' love.

Penguin is still mad at one of his mother's murderers, at least. He says he will kill Tabatha as soon as Butch gives the ok.


If Penguin is large and in charge again and such good friends with Nygma, why can't he break Nygma out of Arkham? Falcone broke Gordon out of jail once, and  Falcone wasn't even the number one mob boss at the time.

Penguin appears as affectionate as ever to Gordon, even though Gordon left Penguin to be tortured in Gotham last season and Penguin was quite upset about it at the time.

Penguin seems as trusting as ever toward Butch, even though Butch took Fish's side (as much as he could while brainwashed) at the end of the first season. Well, Fish is back again and Butch isn't even brainwashed this time. So how can Penguin trust Butch?

Penguin spares Tabatha on Butch's behalf, even though Butch himself helped to kill Gertrude. So why does Penguin spare Butch?

2. Nygma

Nygma remembers how he treated Penguin when Penguin was brainwashed, and asks why Penguin is so nice to him anyway.


Personally, I am really not a fan of the whole smartest-person-in-history-at-such-and-such schtick.
Said schtick boring, both for me, the audience, as well as for the character himself, if he were a real person. I can only imagine the mental frustration of never finding an entertaining challenge. And I dont want to imagine it. It's frustrating to imagine.

And it always, always raises the valid question: "If you're so smart, why can't you figure a way out of the mental asylum?"

AND said shtick is inconsistent in a character who once (in Season 1) said he enjoys video games. Regular old video games that never drove any mathematicians mad or went generations unsolved in any family. 

Therefore, I was not pleased by the puzzle box scene.

3. Butch


Butch is still in love with Tabatha, consistent with what we last heard from him.

Butch is on Penguin's side instead of on Fish's side. What we last heard from Butch was that he had accepted Fish's death, but before THAT, Butch said that he loved Fish and would never hurt her. Even when he was brainwashed to hate Fish and obey Penguin, he loved Fish and disobeyed Penguin in order to save Fish. Butch isn't even brainwashed any more. Why is he not on Fish's side?

1. Music
As always, Gotham's score goes above and beyond to set the mood for each scene. In this episode, the music is especially effective when Bruce's doppelganger is on screen. The music really helped to sell the doppelganger's creepiness.

2. Barbara
"Boop." I loved Barbara's scenes this episode. I am happy her friendship with "Ozzy" continues. 

Also, I thought about it, and her transition back to evilness seemed very sudden in this episode, but when you think about the last 3 or 4 episodes she was in, it has been fairly gradual. She "helped" Gordon by kidnapping him; she went crazy channel-surfing (she was clearly in pain); she helped Penguin decorate his home with a severed head; and finally, she nearly beat a man to death (he was a bad guy). Makes sense. I have no complaints.

Gotham is a character-centric show, like all great shows. It never missed an opportunity to show the main characters' personalities and it made sure the main characters always acted in-character. And it continues to focus on the characters with great energy (I had fun watching this episode) but less consistency.


General: 7/10

Compared-To-All-The-Content-I've-Ever-Loved: 6/10

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Review: Gotham Season 2 Episode 22, Transference [SPOILERS]

Exciting, action-packed, and beautifully shot as ever, this episode wraps up Season 2 with a big cliffhanger.

"Jim Gordon"


1. Possible Lost Story Threads

Because Season 2 is now over, I feel justified in criticizing a few big-picture things about the show. Mostly, I am nervous that some story threads have been lost. I mean, what happened to Strange's plans for Penguin? What good did it do Strange to find out that Gordon actually did kill Galavan? I fear we may never know.


1. Penguin/Barbara/Butch Team

Okay, I've wanted Penguin and Barbara to be friends ever since they first met in Season 1.

They hit it off so well. Barbara seemed to genuinely appreciate the sympathy from Penguin regarding Jim. And sure, Penguin most likely wanted to use Barbara to get closer to Jim, but still! Penguin and Barbara do have compatible personalities. Just listen to their exchange of high-class, dainty chit chat the first time they met.

My desire for a Penguin/Barbara friendship grew stronger when Barbara remembered Penguin at their next encounter. They had only ever spoken for maybe five minutes, so he must have left an impression.

However, I honestly thought there was no chance of a Penguin/Barbara friendship after she was an accomplice (after the fact, at least) to the kidnapping of Penguin's mother.

(Barbara offered Penguin her drink, saying he needed it more than her, and then left the room just minutes before Galavan revealed that he had kidnapped Gertrude. So, Barbara definitely knew about the kidnapping. Who knows? Maybe Barbara even helped with the kidnapping.)

But after this episode, maybe there is a chance of a Penguin/Barbara friendship.

Penguin actually sought out Barbara's help in decorating his house. They utilized a severed head and everything. Doesn't that sound like the perfect bonding activity for a couple of high-class, dainty psychopaths?

Also, it gave me great satisfaction when Penguin praised Barbara both in front of Butch (who kicked Barbara out of his house, just a couple episodes ago) and on the phone. It gave me satisfaction because Barbara obviously appreciated it.

As for Butch, I think it's a fun dynamic he has with Penguin. Butch is the sidekick who rolls his eyes in disbelief at all the twisted things Penguin does. That dynamic works well, so I can see why the writers would bring it back as quickly and easily as they have.

HOWEVER, this brings me to the problems with this Penguin/Barbara/Butch posse:

Problem 1: No explanation has been given for what motivates Penguin after losing his mother AND his father, the only sources of love in his life. (Love is the only real motivator, a theme that I thought the Gotham writers were building into the story. See my previous Gotham reviews.)

So, basically, I have to assume now that Penguin has snapped back to his old self after killing Galavan and I have to assume that Penguin really does not intend to kill Butch and Tabatha. Now, our only hope is if the writers reveal in Season 3 that Penguin is really not ok. (See my Review of Unleashed for my thoughts on Penguin snapping back to his old self.)

Problem 2: No explanation has been given for why Penguin decided to exact revenge on no one else but Galavan. He did, at one point, vow to kill Tabatha and he did, at one point, send Zsasz to kill Butch. So why has he just now decided that Butch and Tabatha and Barbara are all off the hook?

I mean, maybe Penguin realizes that, usually, exacting revenge just causes more trouble. But doesn't he also realize that his reputation is at stake?

How does he expect anyone to take his threats seriously now? Remember when he tried to save himself from being tortured by Ms. Peabody by telling her that everyone who has ever crossed him has regretted it? Well, if that threat didn't work then, it certainly won't work now. I'm just saying.

Problem 3: No epic battle ever took place for kingship of Gotham's crime world. It seems that Butch has just given the crown back to Penguin. Easy as pie.

Problem 4: Lately, Penguin's role has been reduced to that of a Gotham staple who's just always there and always happens to be helpful to the good guys, because, really, that's what the fans want to see. But I want to see what's going on in his head, and that insight has been denied us for so many episodes and so many major developments now...

3. Firefly and Freeze
I loved that Firefly seems genuinely attached to Selina now, and I loved the epic battle between Freeze and Firefly. I didn't love that after the battle was over, they both seemed to just sit there, like mannequins, with nothing going on in their heads. I also didn't love that we didn't find out what happened to them at the end of the episode. I guess they were arrested? I dunno. Did they fight back? Or did they cooperate like mannequins? Once again, I dunno. Let's hope we find out early in Season 3.


1. Humor
There were a number of laugh out loud moments in this episode. I always appreciate a good laugh.

2. The promise of an exciting Season 3
There's apparently a Bruce clone, and I'm pretty sure I saw Jerome's red hair and heard his laugh. a lot of fans were hoping Strange would reanimate Jerome. It's nice to see that the Gotham writers are giving those fans a little something to hang on to.

3. Nygma
Nygma's always great, and Lucius Fox is always great, too. Fox is a very likable minor character, but he's especially likable in contrast to Nygma. Fox is living proof that being very smart doesn't mean you have to be insane, arrogant, or violent.

4. Music
The musical score in Gotham is always spectacular. It really sets the mood. The opening scene in this episode shows us the layers underneath Arkham, Gordon tied to a chair on one layer, and the bomb on the next layer. I mean, we all know Gordon and the others are going to get through this. They're the main characters. But the music puts you on the edge of your seat anyway.

5. Hugo Strange
"Guilt is useless. Love is our guide." It's interesting that a sociopath like Strange can be so wise. I mean, that whole creepy therapy session/interrogation with Jim Gordon offered a lot of insight into both characters. Gordon is burdened by guilt, and while Strange loves to play God, he likes to play a benevolent god sometimes.

And I agree with Strange's final thoughts on love and guilt. People say the mark of a sociopath is a lack of guilt, as if guilt would guide them to be better people. But when it comes down to it, love guides you to be a good person, not guilt. If you love others, you not only feel sorry for hurting them, but you also try to avoid hurting them in the first place, and you ALSO try to do better than just "not hurt" them. You're kind to people if you practice love.

6. I love Gotham
I've realized that some shows you love because you think those shows are GOING somewhere interesting. Often, however, they go nowhere. And then you look back on those shows and realize they were a complete waste of time because you didn't enjoy each episode for what it really was; you just thought there would come a point where you would love each episode for what it really was.

Not so with Gotham.

I love every episode for what it is. I love it for the amazing performances, the mood, the cinematography, the musical score, and the philosophical insights. Even if this series does go to crap -- which I highly doubt it will -- I will still look back on it as a decent use of my time.

I love Gotham. It's brilliant. And I'm so excited for Season 3 in just a couple weeks!


General: 9/10

Compared-To-All-The-Content-I've-Ever-Loved: 8/10

Review: Gotham Season 2 Episode 21, A Legion of Horribles [SPOILERS]


Fish Reanimated

This episode set up the finale for Season 2 with exciting confrontations.


1. Bridget as Firefly

I liked Bridget's creepy voice and constant theatrical declarations of her own goddess-hood. 

I also thought it was interesting that Selina clearly WOULD kill Bridget if it came down to her own life vs. Bridget's, but at the same time, she obviously really cares about Bridget and has taken great risks to save her. Also, Selina jogged Bridget's memory a bit, and Bridget decided not to kill Selina. 

I want to get excited for more Firefly and for more exploration of her relationship with Selina, but the season is already almost over. I'm just not sure how much of Firefly we will see.

2. Fish

I was excited to see Fish come back to life, but the fact that she came back with her memory intact -- that's just fabulous. And her powers! Can Fish get any cooler at this point? I mean, in terms of everything except her evilness. That's not cool of course.

I have reservations, though, because when Galavan came back, he had a brief 3-episode arc and then he was torn away from us. I hope Fish 2.0 will last longer than that.


1. Bruce Confronting Strange

I love seeing little philosophical conversations popping up in the middle of stories, especially when such conversations are relevant to the subject matter. Bruce and Strange had a conversation about the certainty of moral principles and the doubt of scientific inquiry. And finally, Strange asked Bruce whether he would prefer his father be moral or be alive. Bruce chose as probably few people would choose, but I think he chose right, and I guess that's what makes Bruce Batman.


General: 8/10

Compared-To-All-The-Content-I've-Ever-Loved: 7/10

Friday, September 2, 2016

Review: Gotham Season 2 Episode 20, Unleashed [SPOILERS]

A very entertaining and action-packed episode in which Gordon goes after Galavan as Azrael, Nygma attempts an escape from Arkham, and we check back in with Penguin.

Penguin all dressed up



1. Azrael's death
I like that at least there's a possibility that the "real" Azrael will eventually show up (he supposedly just disappeared in olden times). But I really liked Galavan as Azrael. I thought he was dark and menacing and soulless and a great villain. I'm sorry to see him go so soon.

2. Firefly

I was excited to see firefly back. I liked how they charred the Gotham logo for her. But I'm not sure how much her reappearance will amount to, since the season's already almost over.

3. Penguin
We see Penguin decide to go after Galavan, and Penguin's subsequent scenes are fun, but I worry.

I worry because he seems so much like his old self and so readily forgives Butch and Tabatha. At this point, Penguin's behavior could be an act or a temporary state of mind. But, it also may not be.

If it is an act or a temporary state of mind, it needs to be reasonably explained in the next episode.

Another option, I suppose, would be to explain it in the next season, since this season is almost over. I mean, Penguin seemed ok near the end of Season 2a, but was clearly not ok at the start of Season 2b, and I had no complaints about that

However, if Penguin's current behavior is not an act or a temporary state of mind...I'll be disappointed. The Gotham writers have written Penguin so well so far. Too well to have him pull a Selina Kyle now.

Selina, at the end of season one, became evil as a result of seeing Fish Mooney sail out of the mist on a boat. I couldn't understand Selina's reaction, until recently, when I saw a video of Camren Bicondova explaining that Selina saw Fish as a mother figure.

Ok, yeah. That makes sense. I remember the longing that Selina expressed when she told Bruce that her mother would eventually come back for Selina.

However, there was no indication that Selina saw Fish as a mother figure, and frankly, there needed to be. The story needs to speak for itself. It shouldn't have to be explained after the fact by actors on a panel.

I mean, I could come up with several, different explanations for why Penguin snapped back to his former self.

For example, maybe Galavan's return showed Penguin that there is always hope for his wishes to come true. A few episodes back, Penguin said that he wanted to be able to kill Galavan more than once. Impossible. And yet it happened.

I could see how, in a twisted way, this would instill a great sense of hope in Penguin. That hope could definitely fuel Penguin for some time.

The thing is I shouldn't have to come up with explanations of my own. The writers are supposed to tell you why the characters act the way they do, or at least, give you clues that allow you to figure it out with reasonable certainty.


1. Nygma and Selina
It is in this episode that Nygma decides to try and escape by himself, without his Arkham "friends", through the air vents. He had a hilarious encounter with Selina and showed us in the audience that he still has some good in him. 

Without asking for anything in return, he cautions Selina against entering Arkham because there are monsters in the basement. He does end up making a deal with her for his own benefit, but at least he cared enough to try and keep her out.

2. Barbs got kicked out of Butch's and Tabatha's place
Obviously, poor Barbara. But I think the fact that Tabatha let Butch kick out Barbara shows why Barbs didn't wake up from her coma thinking, "I need to reunite with Tabatha." She woke up thinking of Jim Gordon, Makes more and more sense all the time.


General: 8/10

Compared-To-All-The-Content-I've-Ever-Loved: 7/10